Vidalista is a brand of Tadalafil, a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). It is manufactured by Centurion Laboratories, a pharmaceutical company based in India. Vidalista is a legitimate medication that is approved for sale in India and other countries. However, there are also counterfeit versions of Vidalista that are sold online and in some retail stores. These counterfeit products may not contain the correct amount of Tadalafil, or they may contain other harmful ingredients. It is important to only purchase Vidalista from a reputable source, such as a licensed pharmacy.

How to tell if Vidalista is fake

a few things you can look for to help determine:

  • The packaging: The packaging of counterfeit Vidalista may be different from the authentic product. For example, the font may be different, or the colors may be off.
  • The pills: The pills themselves may also be different. Counterfeit pills may be a different size or shape, or they may have a different color or texture.
  • The price: Counterfeit Vidalista is often sold at a much lower price than the authentic product. If you see Vidalista being sold for a very low price, it is likely to be counterfeit.

Where to buy Vidalista

The safest way to buy Vidalista 20 is from a licensed pharmacy. You can also buy Vidalista 60 online From Genericmedsstore. However, be sure to do your research before ordering from any online pharmacy. Make sure the website is licensed and that they have a good reputation.

What to do if you think you have taken fake Vidalista

If you think you have taken fake Vidalista, stop taking the pills and contact your doctor. They will be able to advise you on what to do next.

How to avoid buying fake Vidalista

a few tips to help you avoid buying fake Vidalista:

  • Only buy from a licensed pharmacy: This is the safest way to ensure that you are getting an authentic product.
  • Beware of online pharmacies: Do your research before ordering from any online pharmacy. Make sure the website is licensed and that they have a good reputation.
  • Check the packaging: Look for any signs that the packaging may be counterfeit.
  • Check the pills: Look for any signs that the pills may be counterfeit.
  • Beware of low prices: If you see Vidalista being sold for a very low price, it is likely to be counterfeit.